Technical Marketing杂谈—大排

又多了很多可以投放的网站,google 开放广告交换平台

google 收购 doubleclick后,一次大举动,终于整合了doubleclick的东西进google,并且开放给了adwords.  以后投国外的内容网络就有更多的选择了。 算是一个巨大的好消息。不好的地方就是我们需要花更多的时间来寻找好的内容网络做定点投放。而且其实google adwords 蛮贵的。 说到买流量,你听说过rightmedia哇? 🙂


You may have seen our post on the Official Google Blog, announcing the new DoubleClick Ad Exchange. The Ad Exchange is a real-time marketplace to buy and sell display advertising space. The “buyers” in the Ad Exchange are typically ad networks and agency-run networks with their own ad serving and optimization technologies, while the “sellers” are large publishers. We’re excited about what the launch of the Ad Exchange means for you, our advertisers. Ad Exchange sites will now be available for you to advertise on, as part of the Google Content Network, through your AdWords account. These sites are made available to you when Ad Exchange publishers choose to allow AdWords advertisers to compete for their inventory, and as long as that inventory meets all AdSense policy requirements.

Category: SEM

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